Forma en Español

If you have information that you think could be helpful in solving a crime, we want to hear from you. If you are willing to speak with a Deputy Sheriff, please call (707) 565-2650. The Deputy will meet with you or speak with you by phone, explaining the options of how we can best receive your information taking into consideration any concerns you may have. There may be ways that we can keep your identity confidential and out of official reports. However, if you would prefer to give less identifying information about yourself, you can use the form below and provide only the information that you are comfortable with. We will review your information and forward it to the appropriate staff for follow-up.

We are happy to take any information that you are willing to provide, but please understand that the more specific the information provided, the better chances we will be able to act on it. For example, anonymous reports hold less weight for obtaining search warrants than do reports from citizens whose identities we are able to protect but who are deemed to be reliable.

Although we ask you to please be as complete as possible in filling out this form, if you are uncomfortable putting information in a box you can leave it blank. WE RELY ON COMMUNITY MEMBERS LIKE YOU TO HELP US KEEP OUR COUNTY SAFE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION.